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Indiana Speed Line Inventory created as an ESRI polyline shapefile consisting of a Feature polyline geometry. The data set was compiled by Road Inventory of the Indiana GIS Department of Transportation (INDOT) . Dataset is classified as sde Feature Class. The Feature Class is projected Coordinate System: NAD 1983, UTM, Zone 16 N. The Projections is Transverse Mercator.Each Speed Line Inventory is placed as to Position, From Measure to Measure, Route, and Direction. Contains the following classifications by type; Increasing/Decreasing Direction,Speed Limit, and Location Error. Speed limits are being coded from the speed limit signs on the increasing side of the road using video log or contracts.When speed limits signs are not posted, the following speed limits default to the following:Urban Residential Areas: 30 mphUrban Interstate Highway: 55 mphNon-Divided State Highway: 55 mphUrban County Roads: 55 mphRural State Divided Highway: 60 mphRural Interstate Highways: 70 mphSpeed line inventory is as of 2010-2015.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "units": "esriMeters", "maxViewsCount": 20, "syncEnabled": true, "tables": [], "hasVersionedData": false, "hasViews": false, "layerOverridesEnabled": true, "supportsRelationshipsResource": true, "layers": [ { "name": "DOTRAH.LRSE_Speed_Limits", "id": 11, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline" } ], "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 26916, "wkid": 26916 }, "fullExtent": { "ymin": 4181491.75, "xmin": 405781.0650000004, "ymax": 4625439.635, "xmax": 691585.25, "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 26916, "wkid": 26916 } }, "enableZDefaults": true, "allowUpdateWithoutMValues": true, "isLocationTrackingService": false, "supportedExportFormats": "sqlite,filegdb,shapefile,csv,geojson", "capabilities": "Query,Sync", "supportsAppend": true, "syncCapabilities": { "supportsAsync": true, "supportsSyncDirectionControl": true, "supportsRegisteringExistingData": true, "supportsBiDirectionalSyncForServer": true, "supportsAttachmentsSyncDirection": true, "supportsPerLayerSync": true, "supportsRollbackOnFailure": false, "supportsPerReplicaSync": false }, "supportsDisconnectedEditing": false, "supportsSyncModelNone": true, "supportedAppendFormats": "shapefile,featureCollection", "supportsReturnDeleteResults": true, "currentVersion": 11.1, "advancedEditingCapabilities": { "supportsAsyncApplyEdits": true, "supportsApplyEditsbyUploadID": true, "supportsReturnEditResults": true, "supportedApplyEditsUploadIDFormats": "JSON" }, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON", "initialExtent": { "ymin": 4152876.138094364, "xmin": 358865.57145492575, "ymax": 4321099.314977524, "xmax": 555570.9793447583, "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 26916, "wkid": 26916 } }, "serviceDescription": "", "editorTrackingInfo": { "allowOthersToUpdate": true, "enableEditorTracking": true, "allowOthersToDelete": false, "allowOthersToQuery": true, "enableOwnershipAccessControl": false }, "hasSyncEnabledViews": false, "copyrightText": "The Speed is an sde Feature Class created by Indiana GIS Department of Transportation (INDOT)", "zDefault": 0, "supportsLayerOverrides": true, "serviceItemId": "e4b5b2b54d27425799396b9f7996f380" }