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Lake_Bathymetry_DNR_IN is a polyine feature dataset of bathymetric contours for certain Indiana lakes, depicting the depths of the water with the shoreline of each lake as elevation 0. Contour intervals vary depending upon the lake. Lakes were <\/SPAN>s<\/SPAN>urvey<\/SPAN>e<\/SPAN>d using Biosonics DTX Echosounder surface unit and 200 kHz and 420 kHz transducers<\/SPAN>. The contour values of some lakes were adjusted to coincide with the lake's legal gauge level. Contour values are feet below the surface.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Updated 4/16/19<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "syncCanReturnChanges": true, "supportsAsyncDelete": true, "isUpdatableView": true, "supportedSpatialRelationships": [ "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "esriSpatialRelContains", "esriSpatialRelCrosses", "esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects", "esriSpatialRelOverlaps", "esriSpatialRelTouches", "esriSpatialRelWithin" ], "geometryProperties": { "shapeLengthFieldName": "SHAPE__Length", "units": "esriMeters" }, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": true, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "standardMaxRecordCountNoGeometry": 16000, "indexes": [ { "name": "r611_sde_rowid_uk", "isUnique": true, "description": "", "fields": "objectid", "isAscending": true }, { "name": "uuid_611", "isUnique": true, "description": "", "fields": "globalid", "isAscending": true }, { "name": "a486_ix1", "isUnique": false, "description": "", "fields": "shape", "isAscending": true } ], "editFieldsInfo": null, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "minScale": 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