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The Census Bureau collects this\ninformation for the primary purpose of providing the U.S. Department of Education with annual estimates\nof the number of children aged 5 through 17 in families in poverty within each school district, county, and\nstate. This information serves as the basis for the Department of Education to determine the annual\nallocation of Title I funding to states and school districts.\nThe 2023 118th Congressional District TIGER/Line Shapefiles include separate shapefiles for elementary,\nsecondary, and unified school districts. The 2020 shapefiles contain information from the 2020 school\nyear (i.e., districts in operation as of January 1, 2020).\nUnified school districts provide education to children of all school ages. In general, if there is a unified\nschool district, no elementary or secondary school district exists. If\nthere is an elementary school district, the secondary school district may or may not exist. In addition to regular functioning school districts, the TIGER/Line Shapefiles contain pseudoschool districts.", "syncCanReturnChanges": true, "supportsAsyncDelete": true, "supportedSpatialRelationships": [ "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "esriSpatialRelContains", "esriSpatialRelCrosses", "esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects", "esriSpatialRelOverlaps", "esriSpatialRelTouches", "esriSpatialRelWithin" ], "geometryProperties": { "shapeAreaFieldName": "SHAPE__Area", "shapeLengthFieldName": "SHAPE__Length", "units": "esriMeters" }, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": true, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "standardMaxRecordCountNoGeometry": 16000, "indexes": [ { "name": "r4580_sde_rowid_uk", "isUnique": true, "description": "", "fields": "objectid", "isAscending": true }, { "name": "a3223_ix1", "isUnique": false, "description": "", "fields": "shape", "isAscending": true } ], "editFieldsInfo": null, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "minScale": 0, "hasAttachments": false, "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "supportsSqlExpression": true, "supportsQueryWithResultType": true, "supportsQueryRelatedPagination": true, "supportsQueryWithCacheHint": false, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation": true, "supportsQueryAttachmentsWithReturnUrl": true, "supportsQueryDateBins": false, "supportsQueryWithLodSR": true, "supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries": true, "supportsPagination": true, "supportsMaxRecordCountFactor": true, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsOrderBy": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsLod": true, "supportsCountDistinct": true, "supportsQueryAttachments": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsQueryAttachmentsCountOnly": true, "supportsOrderByOnlyOnLayerFields": false, "supportsOutFieldSqlExpression": true, "supportsTopFeaturesQuery": true, "supportsDistinct": true, "supportsReturningGeometryCentroid": true, "supportsQueryAnalytic": true, "supportsPercentileStatistics": true, "supportsHavingClause": true }, "supportsValidateSQL": true, "enableZDefaults": true, "serviceItemId": "0c1b295b6b3242d89222fdb8c901c2a5", "allowUpdateWithoutMValues": true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "types": [], "capabilities": "Query,Extract", "maxScale": 0, "supportsAppend": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "defaultVisibility": true, "advancedQueryAnalyticCapabilities": { "supportsAsync": true, "supportsLinearRegression": true, "supportsPercentileAnalytic": false }, "hasMetadata": true, "supportedAppendFormats": "shapefile,geojson,csv,featureCollection,excel", "tileMaxRecordCount": 2000, "typeIdField": "", "supportsASyncCalculate": true, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "sqlParserVersion": "PG_10.9.1", "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "minValue": 1.7980804276515612, "field": "pct_poverty", "authoringInfo": { "colorRamp": { "colorRamps": [ { "toColor": [ 255, 247, 189, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 255, 255, 230, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 255, 228, 145, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 255, 247, 189, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 255, 196, 79, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 255, 228, 145, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 255, 155, 41, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 255, 196, 79, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 237, 114, 19, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 255, 155, 41, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 204, 76, 2, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 237, 114, 19, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 153, 52, 5, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 204, 76, 2, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" }, { "toColor": [ 102, 36, 6, 255 ], "fromColor": [ 153, 52, 5, 255 ], "type": "algorithmic", "algorithm": "esriCIELabAlgorithm" } ], "type": "multipart" }, "type": "classedColor", "classificationMethod": "esriClassifyNaturalBreaks" }, "legendOptions": {"order": "ascendingValues"}, "classBreakInfos": [ { "symbol": { "outline": { "color": [ 110, 110, 110, 255 ], "width": 0.7, "style": "esriSLSSolid", "type": "esriSLS" }, "color": [ 255, 255, 229, 255 ], "style": "esriSFSSolid", "type": "esriSFS" }, "classMaxValue": 5.771567436208992, "label": "1.798 - 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