{ "name": "WWS", "displayName": "Which Worksheet", "description": "", "category": "", "helpUrl": "https://gisdata.in.gov/server/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/WWS_GPServer/WWS/WWS.htm", "executionType": "esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous", "parameters": [ { "name": "practice", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Practice", "description": "Choose Practice", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionInput", "defaultValue": "Access Control (472)(acre)", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeRequired", "category": "", "choiceList": [ "Access Control (472)(acre)", "Access Road (560)(ft.)", "Agrichemical Handling Facility (309)(number)", "Air Filtration and Scrubbing (371)(number)", "Alley Cropping (311)(acres)", "Amending Soil Properties with Gypsum Products (333)(acres)", "Amendments for Treatment of Agricultural Waste (591)(AU number)", "Anaerobic Digester (366)(number)", "Animal Mortality Facility (316)(number)", "Aquatic Organism Passage (396) (miles)", "Brush Management (314)(acres)", "Building Envelope Improvement (672)(number)", "Channel Bed Stabilization (584)(feet)", "Clearing and Snagging (326)(acres)", "Combustion System Improvement (372)(number)", "Composting Facility (317)(number)", "Conservation Cover (327)(acres)", "Conservation Crop Rotation (328)(acres)", "Constructed Wetland (656)(acres)", "Contour Buffer Strips (332)(ft)", "Contour Farming (330)(acres)", "Contour Orchard and Other Perennial Crops (331)(acres)", "Controlled Traffic Farming (334)(acres)", "Cool Season Grasses (CP1)(acres)", "Cover Crop (340)(acres)", "CREP CP2 Establishment of Permanent Native Grass (ft and acres)(327)", "CREP CP21 Filter Strips (ft and acres)(393)", "CREP CP22 Riparian Buffer (ft and acres)(391)", "CREP CP23 Wetland Restoration within 100-year floodplain (acres)(656)", "CREP CP23A Wetland Restoration - Non-floodplain (acres)(656)", "CREP CP31 Bottomland Timber Establishment on Wetland (ft and acres)(612)", "CREP CP3A Hardwood Tree Planting (ft and acres)(612)", "CREP CP4D Permanent Wildlife Habitat, Noneasement (ft and acres)(645)", "Critical Area Planting (342) (acres)", "Cross Wind Trap Strips (589C) (acre)", "Denitrifying Bioreactor (605) (sqft)", "Dike (356) (ft)", "Diversion (362) (ft)", "Drainage Water Management (554) (acres and number)", "Dry Hydrant (432) (number)", "Dust Control From Animal Activity on Open Lot Surfaces (375)(sqft)", "Dust Control on Unpaved Roads and Surfaces (373)(sqft)", "Early Successional Habitat Development/Management (647)(acres)", "Emergency Animal Mortality Management (368)(number)", "Farmstead Energy Improvement (374)(number)", "Feed Management (592) (AU number)", "Fence (382)(ft)", "Field Border (386)(ft and acres)", "Filter Strip (393)(ft and acres)", "Firebreak (394)(ft)", "Fish Pond Management (399)(number)", "Forage and Biomass Planting (512)(acres) (Pasture and Hayland Planting)", "Forage Harvest Management (511)(acres)", "Forest Stand Improvement (666)(acres)", "Forest Trails and Landings (655)((ft)", "Grade Stabilization Structure (410)(number)", "Grassed Waterway (412)(ft and acres)", "Heavy Use Area Protection (561)(square feet)", "Hedgerow Planting (422)(acres)", "Herbaceous Weed Treatment (315)(acres)", "Herbaceous Wind Barriers (603)(ft)", "High Tunnel System (325)(sq.ft)", "Integrated Pest Management (595)(acres)", "Irrigation Pipeline (430)(feet)", "Irrigation Reservoir (436)(number)", "Irrigation System, Micro-irrigation (441)(number)", "Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface (443)(number)", "Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery (447)(number)", "Irrigation Water Management (449)(acres)", "Karst Sinkhole Treatment (527) (number)", "Land Reclamation, Abandoned Mined Land (543)(acres)", "Land Reclamation, Currently Mined Land (544)(acres)", "Land Reclamation, Landslide Treatment (453)(acres)", "Land Reclamation, Toxic Discharge Control (455)(number)", "Land Smoothing (466)(acres)", "Lighting System Improvement (670)(number)", "Lined Waterway or Outlet (468)(number)", "Livestock Pipeline (516)(ft)", "Mine Shaft and Adit Closing (457)(number)", "Mulching (484)(acres)", "Multi-Story Cropping (379)(acres)", "Nutrient Management (590)(acres)", "On-Farm Secondary Containment Facility (319)(number)", "Open Channel (582)(ft)/Two-Stage Ditch", "Phosphorus Removal System (782)(number)", "Pollinator Habitat (CP42)(acres)", "Pond (378)(number)", "Pond Sealing or Lining - Geomembrance or Geosynthetic Clay Liner (521)(sqft)", "Pond Sealing or Lining, Compacted Soil Treatment (520)(sqft)", "Pond Sealing or Lining, Concrete (522)(sqft)", "Prescribed Burning (338)(acres)", "Prescribed Grazing (528)(acres)", "Pumping Plant (533)(number)", "Recreation Land Grading and Shaping (566)(acres)", "Residue and Tillage Management - No Till (329)(acres)", "Residue and Tillage Management - Reduced Till (345)(acres)", "Restoration of Rare or Declining Natural Communities (643)(acres)", "Riparian Forest Buffer (391)(ft and acres)", "Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)(ft and acres)", "Road/Trail/Landing Closure and Treatment (654)(ft)", "Roof Runoff Structure (558)(number)", "Roofs and Covers (367)(number)", "Salinity and Sodic Soil Management (610)(acres)", "Saturated Buffer (604)(ft)", "Sediment Basin (350)(number)", "Shallow Water Development and Management (646)(acres)", "Silvopasture Establishment (381)(acres)", "Spoil Spreading (572)(acres)", "Spring Development (574)(number)", "Sprinkler System (442)(acres)", "Stormwater Runoff Control (570)(acres)", "Stream Crossing (578)(number)", "Stream Habitat Improvement and Management (395)(ft)", "Streambank and Shoreline Protection (580)(ft)", "Stripcropping (585)(acres)", "Structure for Water Control (587)(number)", "Structure for Wildlife (649)(number)", "Subsurface Drain (606) (ft)", "Surface Drainage, Field Ditch (607)(ft)", "Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral (608)(ft)", "Terrace (600)(ft)", "Trails and Walkways (575)(ft)", "Tree and Shrub Establishment (612)(acres)", "Tree and Shrub Pruning (660)(acres)", "Tree/Shrub Site Preparation (490)(acres)", "Underground Outlet (620)(feet)", "Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (645)(acres)", "Urban: Bioretention (square feet)", "Urban: Constructed Stormwater Wetlands (acres)", "Urban: Green Roof (square feet)", "Urban: Natural Stream Buffer (ft and acres)", "Urban: Pervious Pavement (square feet)", "Urban: Rain Barrel/Cistern (number)", "Urban: Rain Garden (square feet)", "Urban: Region 5 plan review", "Urban: Sand Filters (number)", "Urban: Sediment Forebay (square feet)", "Urban: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (number)", "Urban: Structural Inlet (number)", "Urban: Vegetated Swales (ft)", "Utilizing Annual Forages in Grazing Systems (810)(acres)", "Vegetated Treatment Area (635)(acres)", "Waste Facility Closure (360)(number)", "Waste Gasification Facility (735)(number)", "Waste Separation Facility (632)(number)", "Waste Storage Facility (313)(number)", "Waste Transfer (634)(number)", "Waste Treatment (629)(number)", "Waste Treatment Lagoon (359)(number)", "Water and Sediment Control Basin (638)(number)", "Water Well (642)(number)", "Watering Facility (614)(number)", "Well Decomissioning (351)(number)", "Wetland Creation (658)(acres)", "Wetland Enhancement (659)(acres)", "Wetland Restoration (657)(acres)", "Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (644)(acres)", "Wildlife Habitat Planting (420)(acres)", "Windbreak - Shelterbelt Establishment (380)(feet)", "Windbreak - Shelterbelt Renovation (650)(acres)" ] }, { "name": "out_string", "dataType": "GPString", "displayName": "Worksheet For Practice:", "description": "", "direction": "esriGPParameterDirectionOutput", "defaultValue": "", "parameterType": "esriGPParameterTypeDerived", "category": "" } ] }