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Service Description: PRECIPITATION_NETWORK_TOTALS_2010-2018WYS_COCORAHS_IN.GDB contains nine Esri point feature classes showing the locations of precipitation monitoring stations of the CoCoRaHS Network, arranged by water-year (October 1st through September 30st), for years 2010 through 2018. Attributes include identification numbers, station names, number of days where precipitation was reported, total precipitation, type of precipitation, and website links for each "CoCoRaHS Water Year Summary by Station ID" web page. The following table lists each feature class name as well as the total number of active stations that were reported in the "CoCoRaHS Water Year Summary Reports" for each available water-year: "Precipitation_Stations_2018WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (557 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2017WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (548 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2016WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (576 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2015WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (613 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2014WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (699 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2013WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (722 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2012WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (752 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2011WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (703 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2010WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (651 total stations) PRECIPITATION_NETWORK_TOTALS_2010-2018WYS_COCORAHS_IN.GDB also contains nine Esri raster datasets showing estimated total annual precipitation by water-year (October 1st through September 30st) for years 2010 through 2018. Only stations that reported daily precipitation for 301 days or more (attribute field named "DaysCovered") were used as inputs for the interpolation process. The following table lists the feature class names as well as the total number of stations that were used as input data for that given water-year: "Precipitation_Annual_2018WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 246 out of 557 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2017WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 245 out of 548 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2016WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 245 out of 576 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2015WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 243 out of 613 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2014WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 265 out of 699 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2013WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 311 out of 722 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2012WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 298 out of 752 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2011WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 265 out of 703 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2010WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 268 out of 651 stations)
Map Name: Map
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Description: PRECIPITATION_NETWORK_TOTALS_2010-2018WYS_COCORAHS_IN.GDB contains nine Esri point feature classes showing the locations of precipitation monitoring stations of the CoCoRaHS Network, arranged by water-year (October 1st through September 30st), for years 2010 through 2018. Attributes include identification numbers, station names, number of days where precipitation was reported, total precipitation, type of precipitation, and website links for each "CoCoRaHS Water Year Summary by Station ID" web page. The following table lists each feature class name as well as the total number of active stations that were reported in the "CoCoRaHS Water Year Summary Reports" for each available water-year: "Precipitation_Stations_2018WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (557 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2017WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (548 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2016WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (576 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2015WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (613 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2014WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (699 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2013WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (722 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2012WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (752 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2011WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (703 total stations) "Precipitation_Stations_2010WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (651 total stations) PRECIPITATION_NETWORK_TOTALS_2010-2018WYS_COCORAHS_IN.GDB also contains nine Esri raster datasets showing estimated total annual precipitation by water-year (October 1st through September 30st) for years 2010 through 2018. Only stations that reported daily precipitation for 301 days or more (attribute field named "DaysCovered") were used as inputs for the interpolation process. The following table lists the feature class names as well as the total number of stations that were used as input data for that given water-year: "Precipitation_Annual_2018WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 246 out of 557 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2017WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 245 out of 548 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2016WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 245 out of 576 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2015WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 243 out of 613 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2014WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 265 out of 699 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2013WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 311 out of 722 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2012WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 298 out of 752 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2011WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 265 out of 703 stations) "Precipitation_Annual_2010WYrS_CoCoRaHS_IN" (using 268 out of 651 stations)
Service Item Id: 88d0ccc036204fe0b8ab81aa11b68e91
Copyright Text: Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS), Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow (CoCoRaHS), Indiana Geographic Information Office
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 299524.0901831696
YMin: 4180371.191922628
XMax: 808909.8226443948
YMax: 4557266.448157486
Spatial Reference: 26916
Full Extent:
XMin: 403039.0625
YMin: 4180418.75
XMax: 692039.0625
YMax: 4626418.75
Spatial Reference: 26916
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: C:\Users\BeGrubbs\Desktop\IGWS Migration\IGWS Migration\IGWS Migration.aprx
Keywords: climatology,Meteorology,Atmosphere,environment,farming,Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS),National Weather Service (NWS),Colorado Climate Center,Colorado State University,Indiana State Climate Office at Purdue University,National Weather Service - Indianapolis,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),Community Collaborative Rain,Hail,and Snow (CoCoRaHS),CoCoRaHS Network,water year summary report,weather,rain,precipitation,hail,weather station,snow,thunder,meteorology,hydrologic,climate
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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