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Layer: Impacted Streams (ID: 7)

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Name: Impacted Streams

Display Field: gnis_name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline

Description: The NHD is a national framework for assigning reach addresses to water-related entities, such as industrial discharges, drinking water supplies, fish habitat areas, wild and scenic rivers. Reach addresses establish the locations of these entities relative to one another within the NHD surface water drainage network, much like addresses on streets. Once linked to the NHD by their reach addresses, the upstream/downstream relationships of these water-related entities--and any associated information about them--can be analyzed using software tools ranging from spreadsheets to geographic information systems (GIS). GIS can also be used to combine NHD-based network analysis with other data layers, such as soils, land use and population, to help understand and display their respective effects upon one another. Furthermore, because the NHD provides a nationally consistent framework for addressing and analysis, water-related information linked to reach addresses by one organization (national, state, local) can be shared with other organizations and easily integrated into many different types of applications to the benefit of all.<div><br /></div><div><p style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:6px; padding-bottom:1em; font-family:"Segoe UI", Arial, sans-serif; font-size:13.3333px;">This dataset was improved to local resolution (1:2,400) as part of the Indiana Local Resolution NHD Project. The following process is done by subbasin: high-resolution NHD geodatabase is checked out from USGS; six-acre catchment areas and streams are generated using best-available digital elevation model; areas, flowlines, and waterbodies are digitized to the 6-acre limit using the best available aerial photography, adding ftype to each feature; attributes from high-resolution NHD are conflated to the new linework; subbasin geodatabase is checked back in to USGS.. After the successful completion of the previous steps, the subbasin is downloaded from USGS; the NHDArea, NHDFlowline, and NHDWaterbody feature classes are reprojected to UTM NAD 83 Zone 16N; the reprojected NHDFlowline features are loaded into this dataset. <span style="font-style:italic;">Please note, new Stream/River features added as part of this project (i.e., not in the high-resolution NHD) were not assigned an FCode of perennial, intermittent or ephemeral. They will have a generic Stream/River FCode (46000). Water may or may not be present outside of rain events and may or may not exhibit channelization typically associated with streams.</span></p><p style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:6px; padding-bottom:1em; font-family:"Segoe UI", Arial, sans-serif; font-size:13.3333px;">DESCRIPTION FROM USGS: The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. NHD data was originally developed at 1:100,000-scale and exists at that scale for the whole country. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:24,000/1:12,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD. (Data for Alaska, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands was developed at high-resolution, not 1:100,000 scale.) Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. Reaches are also defined on waterbodies and the approximate shorelines of the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.</p></div>

Service Item Id: f8c82859605849cc98052872748d9c9f

Copyright Text: USGS, State of Indiana Geographic Information Office, Indiana Geographic Information Council, AECOM.

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports ValidateSQL: true

Supports Calculate: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: true

HasM: true

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: impact_classification

Fields: Types:
Capabilities: Query,Create,Editing,Sync,Uploads

Sync Can Return Changes: true

Is Data Versioned: false

Supports Rollback On Failure: true

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: true

Supports ApplyEdits By Upload Id: true

Edit Fields Info:
Supports Query With Historic Moment: false

Supports Coordinates Quantization: true

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Query Top Features   Apply Edits   Add Features   Calculate   Append   Validate SQL   Generate Renderer   Return Updates   Metadata