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MaxRecordCount: 2000
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Description: LAND_COVER_PRESETTLEMENT_IDNR_IN.SHP is a polygon shapefile showing generalized presettlement vegetation types of Indiana, circa 1820. The work was based on original land survey records and modern soil maps of counties in Indiana. The original published paper map from 1965 (Lindsey) provides five generalized classifications of vegetation types, and the article that contains the map offers descriptions for each classification:
Classification Description
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Quercus - Carya "Oak-Hickory" forest type
Fagus - Acer "Beech-Maple" forest type
Fagus - Quercus - Acer - Carya "Mixed" forest type
Wetlands Wetlands, marshes, swamps, & bogs vegetation (including Wet Prairie)
Dry Prairie Dry Prairie vegetation (tallgrass lands)
Service Item Id: 2f5e9886bd8d48e8a94b6fc4b09256e0
Copyright Text: Presettlement Vegetation Types of Indiana from Lindsey, Alton, Ed., 1966, Natural Features of Indiana, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, p. 280. Originally from Lindsey, A.A., W.B. Crankshaw and S.A. Qadir. 1965. Soil relations and distribution map of the vegetation of presettlement Indiana. Bot. Gaz. 126: 155-163.
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: 425386.2713345287
YMin: 4292324.802469533
XMax: 852039.5080702747
YMax: 4635383.240144635
Spatial Reference: 26916
Full Extent:
XMin: 403595.81230000034
YMin: 4180926.6492
XMax: 692328.3058000002
YMax: 4625481.4352
Spatial Reference: 26916
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Enable Z Defaults: true
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
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