Description: <div style="text-align:Left;"><div><div><p><span>WaterWithdraw_Facilities_DNR_DOW_IN is a point featureclass of significant water withdrawal facilities, intakes, and wells in the state of Indiana. A &quot;significant water withdrawal facility&quot; (SWWF) is defined in the statute to mean &quot;the water withdrawal facilities of a person that, in the aggregate from all sources and by all methods, has the capability of withdrawing more than 100,000 gallons of ground water, surface water, or ground and surface water combined in one (1) day.&quot;The REGISTRNO field is the facility's registration number. A facility may or may not be made up of more than one pump, and may or may not have both wells and intakes. Records in this dataset include the locations of individual wells (SOURCE = WELL), surface water intakes (SOURCE = INTAKE), and the centroid of the entire facility (SOURCE = FACILITY).</span></p><p><span>Latest update: 10/04/2024</span></p></div></div></div>
Service Item Id: 9c20da2dc62447488105619f28bc10ea
Copyright Text: Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Water