Description: This dataset is a version of the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flowlines for Indiana attributed with estimated watershed drainage area, determined by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. The USGS National Hydrography Dataset developed in 2016 was used as a starting point for ArcHydro analysis of each HUC10 basin in the state. The NHD linework was burned into the Digital Elevation Model of the statewide LiDAR flown from 2011-2013, and terrain processing using ArcHydro tools was completed. Where NHD lines conflicted crossed between basins, judgement was used to determine the most appropriate flow direction, realizing that in many cases flow direction is variable and can be across basin divides. An algorithm was developed to attribute each NHD segment with a drainage area value based on the ArcHydro data. Only reaches with DA > .15 square miles were kept, based on the default Streamstats limit. Small adjustments were made to the NHD to ensure that all drainage lines connected where appropriate. Drainage areas for the Ohio River are based on the USGS/NRCS Watershed Boundary Dataset, and should be considered approximate.Stream segments were attributed with HUC12 basin names, taken from the HUC12 national dataset as of December 2016. With the different resolution of the current NHD, some stream reaches are ambiguous on which HUC12 they belong in. Best judgement was used in these cases. Stream segments were also attributed with DNR Water Basins and Basin Teams.
Description: This dataset is a version of the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flowlines for Indiana attributed with estimated watershed drainage area, determined by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. The USGS National Hydrography Dataset developed in 2016 was used as a starting point for ArcHydro analysis of each HUC10 basin in the state. The NHD linework was burned into the Digital Elevation Model of the statewide LiDAR flown from 2011-2013, and terrain processing using ArcHydro tools was completed. Where NHD lines conflicted crossed between basins, judgement was used to determine the most appropriate flow direction, realizing that in many cases flow direction is variable and can be across basin divides. An algorithm was developed to attribute each NHD segment with a drainage area value based on the ArcHydro data. Only reaches with DA > .15 square miles were kept, based on the default Streamstats limit. Small adjustments were made to the NHD to ensure that all drainage lines connected where appropriate. Drainage areas for the Ohio River are based on the USGS/NRCS Watershed Boundary Dataset, and should be considered approximate.Stream segments were attributed with HUC12 basin names, taken from the HUC12 national dataset as of December 2016. With the different resolution of the current NHD, some stream reaches are ambiguous on which HUC12 they belong in. Best judgement was used in these cases. Stream segments were also attributed with DNR Water Basins and Basin Teams.
Description: This dataset is a version of the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) flowlines for Indiana attributed with estimated watershed drainage area, determined by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. The USGS National Hydrography Dataset developed in 2016 was used as a starting point for ArcHydro analysis of each HUC10 basin in the state. The NHD linework was burned into the Digital Elevation Model of the statewide LiDAR flown from 2011-2013, and terrain processing using ArcHydro tools was completed. Where NHD lines conflicted crossed between basins, judgement was used to determine the most appropriate flow direction, realizing that in many cases flow direction is variable and can be across basin divides. An algorithm was developed to attribute each NHD segment with a drainage area value based on the ArcHydro data. Only reaches with DA > .15 square miles were kept, based on the default Streamstats limit. Small adjustments were made to the NHD to ensure that all drainage lines connected where appropriate. Drainage areas for the Ohio River are based on the USGS/NRCS Watershed Boundary Dataset, and should be considered approximate.Stream segments were attributed with HUC12 basin names, taken from the HUC12 national dataset as of December 2016. With the different resolution of the current NHD, some stream reaches are ambiguous on which HUC12 they belong in. Best judgement was used in these cases. Stream segments were also attributed with DNR Water Basins and Basin Teams